Sunday, September 23, 2012

Finding Memory Leaks and Invalid with Valgrind

Valgrind is a multipurpose code profiling and memory debugging tool for Linux on both the x86 and, as of version 3, AMD64, architectures. It allows you to run your program in Valgrind's own environment that monitors memory usage such as calls to malloc and free (or new and delete in C++). If you use uninitialized memory, write off the end of an array, or forget to free a pointer, Valgrind can detect it. Since these are particularly common problems, this tutorial will focus mainly on using Valgrind to find these types of simple memory problems.

For Windows users: if you don't have access to a Linux machine, or if you want to develop Windows-specific software, you might be interested in IBM's Purify, which has features similar to Valgrind for finding memory leaks and invalid memory accesses. A trial download is available.

Getting Valgrind

If you're running Linux and you don't have a copy already, you can get Valgrind from the Valgrind download page.

Installation should be as simple as decompressing and untarring using bzip2 (XYZ is the version number in the below examples)

bzip2 -d valgrind-XYZ.tar.bz2
tar -xf valgrind-XYZ.tar

which will create a directory called valgrind-XYZ; change into that directory and run

make install
Now that you have Valgrind installed, let's look at how to use it.

Finding Memory Leaks With Valgrind

Memory leaks are among the most difficult bugs to detect because they don't cause any outward problems until you've run out of memory and your call to malloc suddenly fails. In fact, when working with a language like C or C++ that doesn't have garbage collection, almost half your time might be spent handling correctly freeing memory. And even one mistake can be costly if your program runs for long enough and follows that branch of code. 

When you run your code, you'll need to specify the tool you want to use; simply running valgrind will give you the current list. We'll focus mainly on the memcheck tool for this tutorial as running valgrind with the memcheck tool will allow us to check correct memory usage. With no other arguments, Valgrind presents a summary of calls to free and malloc: (Note that 18490 is the process id on my system; it will differ between runs.)

% valgrind --tool=memcheck program_name
=18515== malloc/free: in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==18515== malloc/free: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 10 bytes allocated.
==18515== For a detailed leak analysis,  rerun with: --leak-check=yes

If you have a memory leak, then the number of allocs and the number of frees will differ (you can't use one free to release the memory belonging to more than one alloc). We'll come back to the error summary later, but for now, notice that some errors might be suppressed -- this is because some errors will be from standard library routines rather than your own code. 

Finding Invalid Pointer Use With Valgrind

Valgrind can also find the use of invalid heap memory using the memcheck tool. For instance, if you allocate an array with malloc or new and then try to access a location past the end of the array:
char *x = malloc(10);
x[10] = 'a';
Valgrind will detect it. For instance, running the following program, example2, through Valgrind
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    char *x = malloc(10);
    x[10] = 'a';
    return 0;
valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes example2
results in the following warning
==9814==  Invalid write of size 1
==9814==    at 0x804841E: main (example2.c:6)
==9814==  Address 0x1BA3607A is 0 bytes after a block of size 10 alloc'd
==9814==    at 0x1B900DD0: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:131)
==9814==    by 0x804840F: main (example2.c:5)
What this tell us is that we're using a pointer allocated room for 10 bytes, outside that range -- consequently, we have an 'Invalid write'. If we were to try to read from that memory, we'd be alerted to an 'Invalid read of size X', where X is the amount of memory we try to read. (For a char, it'll be one, and for an int, it would be either 2 or 4, depending on your system.) As usual, Valgrind prints the stack trace of function calls so that we know exactly where the error occurs.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Makefile practical example

It's not uncommon in a project to have a standard rule for compiling files (perhaps even using the built-in GNU Make rule) and to need to have a slightly different version of that rule for a specific file, or set of files, that otherwise use the same command.

For example, here's a Makefile that builds all the C files in two subdirectories (lib1 and lib2) using a pattern rule.

lib1_SRCS := $(wildcard lib1/*.c)
lib2_SRCS := $(wildcard lib2/*.c)

lib1_OBJS := $(lib1_SRCS:.c=.o)
lib2_OBJS := $(lib2_SRCS:.c=.o)

.PHONY: all
all: $(lib1_OBJS) $(lib2_OBJS)

%.o: %.c
   @$(COMPILE.C) -o $@ $<

First the Makefile gets the list of all C files in lib1 in the variable lib1_SRCS and the C files in lib2 in lib2_SRCS and then it converts those to a list of object files to build using a substitution reference to change .c to .o creating lib1_OBJS and lib2_OBJS.

The pattern rule uses the GNU Make built-in variable COMPILE.C to run a compiler that compiles a .c into a .o.   The Makefile knows to build all the objects in lib1_OBJS and lib2_OBJS because they are prerequisites of all.

This works fine if all the .c files have the same compilation options.

Now suppose that the C file lib1/special.c requires the -Wcomment option to prevent the compiler from warning about an oddly written comment.   Obviously is would be possible to change the value of CPPFLAGS globally by adding

CPPFLAGS += -Wcomment

in the Makefile.  But that change affects every compilation and is probably undesirable.

Luckily, a target-specific variable can be used to just alter the value of CPPFLAGS for that single file.  By writing

lib1/special.o: CPPFLAGS += -Wcomment

the value of CPPFLAGS will be altered just for the creation of lib1/special.o.

Now suppose that an entire subdirectory requires a special CPPFLAGS option to maximize optimization for speed (the -fast option to gcc, for example).

Here a pattern-specific macro definition is ideal.  Adding

lib1/%.o: CPPFLAGS += -fast

does the trick.  Any .o files that are built in lib1/ will have the -fast command-line option.


Target-specific and pattern-specific macros are worth reading about because they are a very handy feature of GNU Make when a small change is needed for a limited set of targets.

Further reading can be found in the GNU Make manual sections 'Target-specific Variable Values' ( and 'Pattern-specific Variable Values' (

Makefiles: pattern-specific example

Pattern-specific macros work in a similar manner to target-specific macros, but instead of being defined for a target they are defined for a pattern and then will be applied to all targets that match that pattern.

The below example shows a pattern-specific macro.  The last line says that for any target that begins with f followed by anything (that's the % wildcard) VAR has the value starts with f.

.PHONY: all foo bar baz

VAR = global scope

all: foo bar
   @echo In $@ VAR is $(VAR)

   @echo In $@ VAR is $(VAR)

bar: VAR = local scope
bar: baz
   @echo In $@ VAR is $(VAR)

   @echo In $@ VAR is $(VAR)

f%: VAR = starts with f

Now if you run make you get the following output:

In foo VAR is starts with f
In baz VAR is local scope
In bar VAR is local scope
In all VAR is global scope

This is the same as above except that in the rule for foo the value of VAR has been set to starts with f by the pattern-specific definition.

It's worth noting that this is unrelated to normal GNU Make pattern rules.  The pattern-specific macro definition can be used to change the value of a macro in a normal rule (as above).  It can also be used with a pattern rule.

For example, you could change the value of DEBUG to 1 within all %.o files (that could be built using the standard %.o: %.c pattern rule) by writing:

%.o: DEBUG = 1

Makefile: target-specific example

As always, let's start with a simple example that illustrates the difference between global and local scope in GNU Make.  The following Makefile has four targets: all, foo, bar, baz.  All four targets are phony; since I'm only interested in illustrating global and local scope I've ignored actually building any files.

all requires that foo and bar be built and bar needs baz.  The commands for each target all do the same thing.  They print the value of macro VAR using a shell echo.

.PHONY: all foo bar baz

VAR = global scope

all: foo bar
    @echo In $@ VAR is $(VAR)

    @echo In $@ VAR is $(VAR)

bar: VAR = local scope
bar: baz
    @echo In $@ VAR is $(VAR)

    @echo In $@ VAR is $(VAR)

VAR is initially defined to have the value global scope.  That's the value VAR will have anywhere in the Makefile; unless, of course, that value is overriden using a target- or pattern-specific macro.

So illustrate local scope I've redefined VAR to local scope for the rule that creates bar.

A target-specific macro definition is exactly like a normal macro definition (it uses the same =, :=, += and ?= operators) but it is preceded by the name of the target (and its colon) for which the macro should be defined.

In the Makefile above VAR is set to local scope for the bar rule by writing:

bar: VAR = local scope

If you run make on this Makefile you'll get the following output:

In foo VAR is global scope
In baz VAR is local scope
In bar VAR is local scope
In all VAR is global scope

You can clearly see that GNU Make is following its standard depth-first, left-to-right search pattern building foo (it's the first prerequisite of all), then baz (which is a prerequisite of bar which is the second prerequisite of all), then bar and finally all.

And sure enough within the rule for bar the value of VAR is local scope.  And, as you expect since there's no local definition of VAR for all and foo, VAR has the value global scope in those rules.

But what about baz.  The Makefile output shows that in baz the value of VAR is local scope, yet there was no explicit target-specific definition of VAR for baz.

baz has the same locally scoped macros as bar because baz is a prerequisite of bar.  In fact, target-specific variables are defined for a target and all prerequisites of that target and all their prerequisites and so on.    A target-specific variable's scope is the entire tree of targets starting from the target for which the variable was defined.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Makefiles - Compile all .cpp files object .o files

Suppose I have project directory looks like this:


What I would like my makefile to do would be to compile all .cpp files in the /src folder to .o files in the /obj folder, then link all the .o files in /obj into the output binary in the root folder /project.

So, the makefile part will be as easy as below:


CPP_FILES := $(wildcard src/*.cpp)
OBJ_FILES := $(addprefix obj/,$(notdir $(CPP_FILES:.cpp=.o)))
LD_FLAGS := ...
CC_FLAGS := ...

main.exe: $(OBJ_FILES)
   g++ $(LD_FLAGS) -o $@ $^

obj/%.o: src/%cpp
   g++ $(CC_FLAGS) -c -o $@ $<